Dear OU Study Abroad,

I know you had position changes in your department, but you were very unhelpful at helping me figure out what classes I need to take. I am stuck in baby Spanish which would be great if I needed baby Spanish but I need upper-division credits in Literture classes. And um they actaully only offer one right now go figure that I can’t even take. I am sure you are aware of how expensive tuition is in the United States so thanks for nothing.

– Emily

p.s. I do like Guadalajara and baby Spanish but I need big kid Spanish. I was very sad today on my bus ride home, but then a creepy man said, “Hola, como estás?”and I somehow felt better.

January 13, 2010. Uncategorized.

One Comment

  1. MOM replied:

    Talk to Jack….he will help you out.

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